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- Date: Sat, 4 Jun 94 14:20 BST-1
- From: Ofir Gal <ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: Various
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- Message-Id: <memo.291662@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Precedence: bulk
- In message <H.ekK.nZIwLpbD1rU@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca>, mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca said:
- >
- > In another message today, one of the people on the list suggested that
- >the help key (when combined with the SHIFT key) should enter a context
- >sensitive online help mode. This is a good idea, but since not every
- >programmer is willing to take the time or effort of writing such a
- It doesn't mean each program has to support it, it just means that if a
- program does support this then it should use Shift+Help.
- > All is not roses, though; the program is in German and so is the
- >documentation. I do not speak German, yet I was able to learn the
- >syntax of the data files quite quickly. As for the program itself
- >being in German, that could easily be changed. There are only about
- >thirty German words in the entire program, so translating it would be
- >very easy. The program is Freeware, by the way.
- I agree about ST Guide. It is currently being translated by Joe Connor. He
- already translated the program and is working on the docs. Craig Graham
- has written a small include file for HiSoft BASIC to support ST Guide and
- I believe there is also a GFA module for this.
- In message <H.ekK.o&nXHNynjiY@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca>, mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca said:
- >
- > On another topic, I thought I would ask if "reverse TAB" should
- >be implemented in dialog boxes? I spent some time thinking about it,
- >and finally realized that one way this could (easily) be implemented
- >is to simply change the key value (kr) result of evnt_multi() from
- >a Control+TAB to an Up Arrow before passing the value to the
- >form_keybd() routine. That way the system would do all of the work.
- I have implemented reverse Tab in my toolkit, I think it should be
- Shift+Tab. This is how it works in Let 'em Fly.
- The method I used was to convert Tab to down arrow and Shift+Tab to up
- arrow.
- In message <199406041104.AA2760824504@relay2.geis.com>, s.sanders2@genie.geis.com said:
- >
- >SHIFT-CTRL-C for "Copy to..." is essentially the same as 'Save the
- >currently selected data to the file chosen via the file selector
- >rather than the current clipboard directory'. i.e. Save Block in an
- >editor or Save Selected in an object-oriented program.
- >
- >SHIFT-CTRL-V for "Paste from..." is 'Merge data from the file chosen
- >via the file selector at the current cursor location (if
- >appropriate)'. i.e. Merge... or Insert File...
- I think this is more useful than my original idea. I will change the
- proposal. This does not mean that my original idea is not useful, apps
- could still implement it.
- In message <H.ekK.LLNTgRTdBOs@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca>, mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca said:
- >
- >It is quite important; one person suggested the perfect keypress
- >for it. If Control+UNDO is a reverse UNDO, why not have Control+G
- >for "Reverse Find Next"?
- CTRL+G is Find Next, maybe you meant Shift+CTRL+G?
- Bye,
- Ofir ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk